Wind Project Siting & Environ. Compliance 2019


Aaftab Jain

Aaftab Jain
Project Manager/Biologist

Aaftab Jain has over 15 years of experience in environmental consulting and research focused in the southwest and mid-west. Mr. Jain has been extensively involved in planning, field investigation, study design, permitting, and project management for a variety of renewable energy, transmission line, and other projects. Mr. Jain’s consulting background includes extensive service to public and private-sector clientele and partners including the BLM, USFS, BIA, USFWS, state wildlife agencies of IA, CA, TX, ME, PA and NY, Audubon NY, EDP Renewables, Noble Environmental Power, Avangrid Renewables, Enel, Alliant Energy, and Xcel Energy. Mr. Jain is currently a project manager and biologist for TRC’s Albuquerque office, where he supervises projects, conducts biological surveys, and writes, coordinates and contributes to pre- and post-construction planning and monitoring reports and other documents such as EAs, EISs and Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permits.

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