2017 Face & Body Northern California


Jayant Lokhande

Jayant Lokhande
Chief Scientific Officer
Indus Extracts

Jayant Lokhande, M.D., BDP, is a dedicated Indian System of Medicine practitioner who works with a corrective style of Botanical Drugs & Metallonutraceutics & Supplements. So far, he has treated more than 8,000 patients suffering from acute and chronic diseases with botanical drugs and functional foods. He also has formulated more than 50 dietary supplements, OTC drugs and functional foods and beverages worldwide. Lokhande earned both an M.D. BDP (Botanical Drug Product) and a MBA in biotechnology with strategy, finance and marketing. In 2014, his book, "Handbook of Metallonutraceuticals" was published, and his next book "Botanical Drug Products: Recent Developments and Market Trends" is to be published in 2017.

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