HydroVision International 2015


Carl Burger

Carl Burger
Senior Scientist
Smith-Root, Inc.

Carl Burger heads the Science Department at Smith-Root, Inc. in Vancouver, WA. Prior to joining the company in late 2006, he spent 30 years in fisheries management and research with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (21 years leading ecosystem-level research on the adaptations and reproductive strategies of Pacific salmon in Alaska, 6 years as a Science Center Director in Washington State, and 4 years as an Administrator for ESA Atlantic salmon recovery in Maine). His focus at Smith-Root includes the development and testing of innovative technologies for non-lethal fish and marine mammal guidance, the use of graduated-field fish barriers for invasive species control, and novel technologies for fish electro-sedation. He was President of the American Fisheries Society from 2000 to 2001.

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