IFAI Expo 2019


Whitney Carman

Whitney Carman
Even Keel Canvas, LLC

Whitney Carman is the Owner of Even Keep Canvas, LLC. Whitney’s training started when she was about 3 years old. She was old enough to walk so her father, Dennis Carman of Vermont Custom Canvas decided to bring her to work. She didn’t realize at the time how much she was leaning or what unique upbringing she had been gifted. During winter breaks in high school, she would go to restaurants and gyms to pick up work for extra money. Whitney graduated in 2005 and began working full time for her dad. She was his apprentice for 4 years and completed her Associate’s Degree while expressing her creativity through fabrication. In 2011, Whitney ventured off and started her own business in California working everywhere in Marina Del Rey. In 2018 she got a request to do a project on Aquila, the largest yacht in America. She has been in the industry full time for 14 years.

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