ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Vaibhavee Agaskar

Vaibhavee Agaskar
Assistant Professor
New Jersey City University

Vaibhavee R. Agaskar is a Assistant Professor at the New Jersey City University, New Jersey. She holds a Ph. D in Counseling from Oakland University, Michigan.  She has earned her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Mumbai University, India. Before moving to United States, She was a Child Therapist at Tata Institute of Social Sciences and also involved in various Outreach projects such as life skills training for at-risk adolescents, therapy for children whose parents are undergoing separation or divorce.  During her doctoral studies, she was a Graduate Assistant in the Counseling Department of Oakland University. She was involved in the outcome research and her worked was published in the peer-reviewed journals.  She was also involved in the research project funded by Center for Disease Control and Prevention to create awareness on domestic abuse in the Asian Indian community of Michigan. She brings strong clinical experience and research skills in her teaching pedagogy.  Her current research interests are Child and Adolescents Mental Health, Outcome Research, Quantitative Research Methods and Program Evaluation, Multicultural Counseling, Clinical Supervision and Asian American Mental Health.

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