Wind Project Siting & Environ. Compliance 2019


Garry George

Garry George
Renewable Energy Director
National Audubon Society

Garry George leads the Renewable Energy Initiative of the Climate Strategy at National Audubon Society. Audubon’s Climate Report at reveals that climate change is the biggest threat to birds. He represents Audubon in federal, state and local renewable energy siting , permitting and conservation and mitigation policies for onshore and offshore wind energy. He serves as Vice-Chair of the Board of American Wind & Wildlife Institute and in working groups with the wind industry and agencies to resolve wind/wildlife conflicts on species of birds protected by federal and state laws and regulations. When not spending time with his 6-year old grandson, Garry goes on bird watching trips around the world to add to his life list of over 7,500 species. Garry is based in Los Angeles.

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