2019 Top Producer Summit


Cody Goodknight

Cody Goodknight
Chattanooga, Okla.

Cody Goodknight is a cattle producer and row-crop farmer from Chattanooga, Okla. Cody is the fifth person in his family to hold the reins of Goodknight Farms, an operation founded in 1911 that includes 3,500 acres of wheat, cotton, soybeans, sesame, grain sorghum and cover crops; 2,000 acres of range and grassland; and a cattle operation with 200 bred heifers and 800 stocker calves. Since joining the farm full-time in 2008, he has expanded the business, created new income streams, built a strong team and increased professionalism in the century-old organization. The farm has two full-time team members, a part-time bookkeeper and seasonal help. In 2017, Cody was named the Tomorrow’s Top Producer Horizon Award winner.

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