2019 Top Producer Summit


Linda Emanuel

Linda Emanuel
Community Health Nurse
AgriSafe Network

Linda Emanuel is a R.N. serving as a Community Health Nurse with AgriSafe Network, assisting with outreach education for producers and Ag employers. Linda is a Nebraska native raised on a Nebraska row crop and livestock farm. She has spent her professional career primarily in Northeast Nebraska providing nursing care in a hospital setting. She and her husband Tom raised three sons and built a successful row crop operation that has been able to welcome the next generation and their families home to continue to diversify their family business. Linda is a Nebraska LEAD alumni, as well as an AgriSafe Nurse Scholar and received her Agro-medicine training at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She is a lifetime advocate of good health and wellness which is why it was a natural transition for her to pursue her passion and purpose to “Protect those people who feed the world”.

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