POWER-GEN Asia 2018


Rizki Baihaqi

Rizki Baihaqi
Chief Executive Officer
IMGS (Indie Mega GeoSurvey)

Rizki Baihaqi, byname Baihaqi was born in bandung on 4th November 1993. Studied at ITB majoring in geodesy and geomatics engineering and graduated in 2015 by taking a hydrographic expertise group and completed his master's degree in 2016. After obtaining a master's degree, he is actively working in hydrographic sector and once an expert in the Geospatial Information Agency for the creation of Indonesia's National Work Competency Standard in Hydrography Sector on 2017. Baihaqi is currently the CEO of PT IMGS, a mapping consultant and utilization of geospatial information for investment needs in renewable energy.

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