Euro Attractions Show 2018


Rik Stapelbroek

Rik Stapelbroek
Real Life Gaming

Rik Stapelbroek is the founder of the experience production company Real Life Gaming. The company was formed shortly before the launch of the unique and one in a kind Prison Escape production. It's a 3 hours long experience that takes place in a real prison, which currently hosts up to 400 attendees per show. Players try to escape from a cast consisting of 80 professional interactive actors in different roles such as the warden, guards and prisoners. This production is a prime example of an event within the experience economy and a fitting addition to the Real Life Gaming and Escape Room sector within the leisure industry. Before starting Real Life Gaming, Rik studied Small Business & Retail Management and worked as a social worker. Nowadays he has found his passion, which is creating synergy in teams of creatives so that unique productions come to life for the audience to enjoy.

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