IAAPA Attractions Expo 2018


Michael Campbell

Michael Campbell
President Emeritus
Carolwood Pacific Historical Society/Carolwood Foundation

Michael Campbell is President Emeritus of the Carolwood Pacific Historical Society and a Board Member Emeritus of the Carolwood Foundation, the non-profit organization that maintains and operates Walt Disney's Barn in Griffith Park. Exhibitions celebrating Walt's love of trains, planned and prepared by Campbell, were showcased at the California State Railroad Museum in 2002 and at the Disney Gallery in 2012. Campbell has presented talks about Walt and railroading for many groups, including Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World Resort, Pixar Animation Studios, and various schools, charities and historical organizations. Campbell—in collaboration with Walt’s daughter Diane Disney Miller and her son Walter Elias Disney Miller—assisted in the creation of railroad-related content on view in The Walt Disney Family Museum’s core galleries. In 2015, Walt’s family invited Michael to serve as the curator of a major exhibition about Walt and trains at the WDFM. Most recently, Michael was asked by Walt Disney Imagineering to help create an exhibition about the steam trains of Disneyland that is currently on display at the Main Street Opera House.

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