IAAPA Attractions Expo 2018


Kate Bickert

Kate Bickert
Senior Director, Engagement and New Initiatives
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

Kate is the Senior Director of Engagement and New Initiatives at the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, where she has worked for fifteen years. The Golden Gate National Parks are the country’s most visited national parks, with almost 17 million annual visitors. She is interested in the intersection of parks, design, art, conservation and community engagement and social and civic benefit. She leads the community engagement activities associated with major park infrastructure investment as well as variety of new and ongoing initiatives and partnership projects that focus on visitor experience in parks including Art in the Park, the Roving Ranger program, the Community Trailheads and Community Shuttle Program. She was the lead park project manager for @Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz, seen by almost one million visitors.

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