
Vicky Karr, LMT

Vicky Karr, LMT
Massage Therapist
Spa Revolutions

Vicky Karr is a licensed massage therapist and worked in several boutique spas before joining the staff of Ritz Carlton Hotel and Spas in 1998. While with Ritz Carlton, she worked as a departmental trainer, spa manager, spa therapies manager and corporate trainer. As corporate trainer, she assisted in the pre-opening training of therapists at 12 Ritz Carlton spas, and her training services were also utilized in pre-existing Ritz Carlton spas. In late 2005, she left Ritz Carlton to begin her own business, Spa Success, LLC (dba lmtsucCEss) and now offers her training and consulting experience and knowledge to various spas and individuals around the U.S. She not only has extensive spa therapies background, but also a passionate spirit for massage, as well as training and education. She works with Spa Revolutions, assisting with R&D of their new products, writing protocols for services and offering training to their customers. Karr is approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB #450546-07) as a continuing education approved provider, as well as numerous states in the US (FL #50-9422). She also has achieved master certification Level in Reflexology (RCB231), is currently licensed in FL as a massage therapist (MA39999) and as a facial specialist (FB9744275). In addition, she has advanced training in Sports Massage, Thai Massage, NeuroMuscular Therapy, Prenatal Massage and Sound Healing Therapy/Energetic Techniques

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