Wind Project Siting & Environ. Compliance 2019


Richard Borthwick

Richard Borthwick
Avian Biologist/Project Manager
Copperhead Environmental Consulting

Mr. Borthwick has been conducting biological field research throughout North America for over a decade, focusing on birds, terrestrial mammals, habitat, and fisheries. His extensive work with a wide range of faunal groups has given him the opportunity to manage projects that have a landscape level influence on a variety or organisms. In this context, he has developed conservation and mitigation plans and utilized a range of field techniques. Mr. Borthwick has successfully served as a solutions-based consultant for a diverse range of industries for a variety of projects. He received a B.S. in natural resource and environmental management and wildlife and fisheries from the University of Northern British Columbia, Canada and a M.S. in biology and ecology from Alabama A&M University. After his undergraduate degree, Richard spent eight years doing fish and wildlife work. He increased focus on avian work, and did his Master’s thesis on avian community responses to mine reclamation.

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