2019 SWANApalooza


Dr. Anna Scott

Dr. Anna Scott
Co-founder and CEO
Troposphere Monitoring, Inc.

Dr. Scott received a Ph.D. from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Johns Hopkins University, where she was a part of the Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics and Transport Group. She also runs Baltimore Open Air, an urban monitoring network measuring air quality in Baltimore, Maryland. She is interested in climate dynamics and understanding the how and why of what goes on in our atmosphere. Her company develops novel techniques for atmospheric measurement, from using low-cost sensors to developing optical detection methods. Her thesis research looked at how the urban heat island effect—the tendency for cities to be hotter than rural areas—changes during heatwaves, using observations, low-cost sensors, and models from cities around the world. She also has been known to dabble in projects on regional hydrology, the climate impacts of aerosols and North African precipitation.

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