2019 SWANApalooza


Kevin Roche

Kevin Roche
General Manager

As the result of a nationwide search to lead ecomaine, Kevin has served as CEO for 14 years. He has worked in the field of solid waste management for 29 years, soon after the first sightings of the Mobro garbarge. His jobs have moved him across the country including leadership positions as Broom County solid waste director, City of Glendale recycling manager, plant manager for Metro Waste, owner of a recycling facility in Rochester, solid waste coordinator for Monroe County, and GIS specialist for the City of Rochester. Kevin holds a Bachelor’s degree in geography from the University of Buffalo, where he developed a passion for GIS and applied it to mapping garbage collection routes – the start of a very satisfying career in solid waste management. At ecomaine, Kevin’s priority is to advance the organization’s mission in providing comprehensive long-term solid waste solutions in a safe, environmentally responsible, economically sound manner and remain a leader in raising public awareness of sustainable solid waste management strategies.

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