SEMICON Korea 2018


Gon-Ho Kim

Gon-Ho Kim
Seoul National University

Gon-Ho Kim, Ph.D. has been professor at Seoul National University since 2003, interesting in the development concept of plasma monitoring technique and also characterization of ICP and CCP for etch and deposition processes. Prior to joining SNU, Kim was Associated Professor for Applied Physics at Hanyang University for 1995-2002. During his 8 years at HYU, Kim spent time constructing large area ICP source for 5 gen. LCD etcher and development of various electrical plasma diagnostic tool including VI and OES. Kim received a Ph.D. in Plasma Engineering field from University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA and Post Doc for 2 years in Center for Plasma Aided Manufacturing. During those times, developing ECR etcher and process optimization.

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