2019 SWANApalooza


Yuanyuan (Chris) Cui

Yuanyuan (Chris) Cui
Director, China Programs
Closed Loop Fund

Chris Cui has 12 years of experience in financial service and philanthropy sectors in Asia, Europe and the United States, advising emerging market strategies for Fortunate 500s to capture growth potential from Asia. At Swiss Re, she led initiatives to promote climate risk solutions from solar panel performance guarantee to carbon emission reduction car insurance in China. She also led the outreach effort for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong), where she secured funding and partnerships to set up its first center in China. Chris earned her Executive MBA from the global joint program with Columbia Business School, London Business School and Hong Kong University with scholarship. She served as an advisor for accelerator programs to support social enterprises, including the NYC Climate Braintrust, hosted by the World Economic Forum Global Shapers, and the Echoing Green Climate Fellow program.

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