FETC 2018


Peter Kraft

Peter Kraft
Co-Founder and CEO, Evolution Labs
Evolution Labs

Peter Kraft is CEO and Co-Founder of Evolution Labs, which helps higher ed and K-12 engage students and parents, driving enrollment, retention and positive social-emotional learning outcomes. In 1993, Peter founded CMG (publisher of the number-one college magazine in the country with more than three million readers). It was here he met Tracy Howe, and they built CMG into a powerhouse marketing brand for clients targeting the elusive youth and college market. In 1997, Peter and Tracy facilitated the sale of CMG to College Television Network. In 2000, Kraft and Howe co-founded GoalQuest to provide custom recruitment, enrollment and retention programs for universities. During his seven year tenure at GoalQuest, Peter delivered programs for more than 500 clients, ranging from University of Alabama to University of Missouri to American University. From 2009 to 2013, Peter founded two companies focusing on fan engagement and student athlete success for Intercollegiate Athletic Departments.

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