InterDrone 2019


Jerome Bouvard

Jerome Bouvard

Jerome is the Director of Strategic Partnerships and the Head of the Education and Developer programs at Parrot, Europe’s largest drone manufacturer. He has been working at Parrot for 10 years and wrote some code on the original A.R. Drone! In 2016, he moved from Paris to San Francisco to launch “Parrot Education”, the goal of which was to introduce drone and coding at K-12 level. The program was a tremendous success, with more than 2,000 schools involved, and major partnerships with Apple, Google and Tynker, the leading coding platform for kids. The program was extended to higher education with a major partnership with the MIT and MathWorks-Simulink. Today, Jerome is in charge of the Enterprise Partnerships, working with all the companies in the industry to leverage the use of the ANAFI platform in their business by integrating the SDK capabilities to their applications or services. He is also a part107 certified pilot and a hobbyist photographer.

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