2018 Federal Identity Forum & Exposition


Michael McAdams

Michael McAdams
Senior Advisor and Chief Architect for Digital Identity
Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of Treasury

Mr. Michael McAdams is a technologist with a passion for large scale government customer service systems and a history of proven results. He has more than 25 years of experience in the U.S. Federal government, as an architect and implementer of more than 30 IT applications used by the taxpaying public, including engineering of all facets of infrastructure and operations. He is currently serving as Chief Architect for the IRS Web Applications program and is leading architecture development for the next taxpayer identity management solution. Prior to this assignment, Mr. McAdams served as technical advisor in an applications development organization with more than 300 developers and implementers delivering customer service solutions to taxpayers, 3rd parties, and internal IRS users.

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