2018 AFCEA TechNet Asia-Pacific Conference & Expo


Charles Brainard

Charles Brainard
Project Manager, Army Enterprise Service Management Framework (AESMF) and Requirements Manager, AESD
U.S. Army Cyber Command

As the PM for AESMF, Mr. Brainard operates as the ARCYBER Subject Matter Expert and Lead for the Army's Information Technology Service Management plans and policy. Mr. Brainard acts as the key decision maker for AESD strategy and operations. Before assuming his position with ARCYBER, Mr. Brainard retired from the U.S. Army after serving as a Command Sergeant Major for multiple joint cyber and signal operations and prior to that, he was an infantryman. While on active duty, his assignments included service with DISA, U.S. Forces Iraq, and multiple Signal Commands.

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