BOMA 2018


Nicole Dubee

Nicole Dubee
Senior Property Manager
Columbia Property Trust

Nicole DuBee has been in the commercial real estate industry for twenty years and is currently a Senior Property Manager with Columbia Property Trust. As an instructor with BOMA San Francisco’s CREATE Fellowship program (Commercial Real Estate Alliance for Tomorrow’s Employees) and a strong advocate of career mentorship, she helps college students at San Francisco State University prepare for careers in commercial real estate. She previously chaired BOMA SF’s Careers Committee for eight years and developed a successful mentorship program, improving the talent pipeline for the industry. Nicole currently serves on the Board of Directors for BOMA SF, and is a local instructor for BOMA International’s Foundations of Real Estate Management. She also participates in the University of San Francisco’s Alumni Mentor Program. Nicole’s approach to management includes designing and facilitating a “classroom experience” that teaches, motivates and inspires, ultimately leading her team to pursue their unique professional and personal goals. She emphasizes health and wellness in the workplace creating an office culture that is creative and engaging. In 2018, her team was awarded Property Management Team of the Year by Columbia Property Trust, and in 2019 her building, 221 Main St., won the TOBY (The Outstanding Building of the Year) Award for San Francisco and the greater Pacific Southwest Region. Outside of work, Nicole is an avid cyclist and is always encouraging others to take up the sport. She’s an aspiring garbologist and is passionate about proper recycling.

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