2019 NSC Congress & Expo


Chad Schulenberg

Chad Schulenberg
Compliance Safety and Health Officer
OSHA Fort Lauderdale Area Office

Chad Schulenberg is Compliance Safety and Health Officer (CSHO), at the OSHA Ft. Lauderdale Area Office and have been a Compliance Safety and Health Officer for 10 years. Prior Mr. Schulenberg worked at the Veteran’s Affairs for (5) years as an Emergency Medical Technician having 15 years of Federal Service. Mr. Schulenberg received his Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Safety and Health in May 2009, and a Master’s Degree in Occupational Safety and Health in May 2011; both from Southeastern Oklahoma State University. He also completed training as an Emergency Medical Technician and as a Firefighter. Mr. Schulenberg also served as a Sergeant in the Army National Guard.

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