Mensa AG 2016


Leon Feingold

Leon Feingold

Leon Feingold is a polyamory advocate on a national scope; he coauthors "Poly Wanna Answer?" a monthly polyamorous relationship advice column; and has appeared solo or with others to discuss responsible nonmonogamy on The View, Huffington Post (twice), PolyInTheMedia, Jezebel and several other online, print and television media, plus a featured spot in the HBO movie Americans in Bed and a featured talk at TEDxBushwick. In May 2014, he helped launch New York's first openly polyamorous residence as its spokesperson, broker and attorney. In his spare time he occasionally wins Boggle, Cryptoquote, Quiddler and logic tournaments at AGs, and has eaten more hot dogs in ten minutes than most humans eat all year. For more information, contact Leon at, or visit

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