2016 WOCN® Society & CAET Joint Conference


Susan Mills-Zorzes

Susan Mills-Zorzes
Past President and Marketing Core Program Chair
Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy

Susan Mills Zorzes is a Canadian certified ET (wound, ostomy and continence) nurse. She graduated from an American WOCNEP maintaining since graduation her CWOCN certification and WOCN membership. As Director of the Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy (CAET) ET Nursing Education Program until 2009, she was responsible for the program’s transformation to an online competency-based curriculum. Susan has held various positions in the Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy and worked with a small group of committed ET nurses over a 10 year period to achieve Canadian recognition for Canadian ET nursing as a specialty and develop the certification examination. She is presently the Past President and Marketing chairperson for CAET.

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