2018 Internal Control & Fraud Prevention Training


Karla Melendez

Karla Melendez
Policy Analyst
New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions

Karla Meléndez is the Policy Analyst for the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS). Ms. Meléndez began her public service career with NMDWS in 2014 where she has since provided research and analysis as well as support for a variety of areas including Unemployment Insurance, Labor Relations, Workforce Technology, and departmental legislative and policy efforts. She currently serves as Team Lead for the Improper Payment Prevention Initiative (IPPI) and Employer Misclassification Predictive Analytics (EMPA) Oversight Team. Ms. Meléndez graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics and Spanish from the University of New Mexico and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Public Policy.

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