SNAPa 2018 Annual Conference


Nicole Melia

Nicole Melia
Food Service Supervisor
Great Valley School District

"Nicole Melia is the Food Service Supervisor of the Great Valley School District in Malvern, Pennsylvania. Nicole is responsible for the overall operation of the School Food and Nutrition Department with approximately 4500 students in grade K-12 in the Great Valley Schools as well as providing meals for private schools through the satellite meal program. Great Valley participates in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program, as well as the Summer Food Service Program. They also have a robust farm to school program. Nicole has been working in school nutrition since 2009. She has been active in SNAPA and on the SNAPA Board of Directors since 2013. She has served as the State President of the School Nutrition Association of PA, Conference Chair and is the current Public Policy and Legislative Chair. She also is a member of the Association of School Business officials and the Pennsylvania School Business officials. For the past five years she has served as the Lead Agent for a buying cooperative representing roughly 60 school districts in eastern PA. She received a Bachelor’s of Science degree and Masters of Science degree in Nutrition at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. "

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