ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Lynn Bohecker

Lynn Bohecker
Postdoctoral Fellow
Idaho Center for Health Research, Idaho State University

Lynn Bohecker has Ph.D. in counselor education and counseling and is a licensed marriage and family therapist.  She is a postdoctoral fellow with the Idaho Center for Health Research at Idaho State University and fulltime faculty at Messiah College.  In addition, she has been an adjunct professor in counselor education for three universities over the past ten years.  She has seven publications and ongoing involvement with over ten research projects both with teams and as sole principal investigator.  She has had five presentations at the national level, four regional, ten state, and five local presentations.  Also at the national level, she is the co-chair of the ACES Clinic Directors and Placement Coordinators’ Network, which facilitates networking and resources for counseling clinics in academic settings.  At the regional level, she is co-chair of the RMACES Interstate License Agreement Committee whose goal it is to achieve licensure reciprocity for states within the rocky mountain region.  In addition, she is the Leadership Development Chair for the Idaho Counseling Association.

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