IAAPA Attractions Expo 2017


Jane Cooper .

Jane Cooper .
President and Chief Operating Officer
Herschend Family Entertainment Corporation (HFE)

Jane began her career in the attractions industry with a summer job at one of Paramount’s theme parks in 1972. She stayed on at Paramount for over 25 years serving finally as president and CEO, where she led the company’s entertainment operations, including four of the top 30 theme parks in the U.S., two international theme parks and the award-winning Star Trek: The Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton. She is currently President and Chief Operating Officer of Herschend Family Entertainment Corporation (HFE), the nation’s largest family-owned themed attractions company. The company creates, develops and operates entertainment, tourism and hospitality properties spanning 26 locations in nine states. Prior to joining HFE, she served as the president and CEO of Wannado Entertainment, America’s first indoor role-playing theme park for kids. A graduate from the University of Cincinnati, with an MBA from Xavier, Cooper actively serves on the Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Board and the IAAPA Foundation Board (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions), which she chaired in 2005. In her local community, Cooper is committed to education and has served on the Central Piedmont Community College Board of Trustees since 1996.

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