AGA PDT 2018


Tinh Nguyen

Tinh Nguyen
Deputy Assitant Inspector General for Audits
Department of State

Ms. Nguyen joined the Department of State’s (State) Inspector General’s Office (OIG) in 2015, where she now serves as the Deputy Assistant Inspector General for the Office of Audits, Middle East Region Operations. Ms. Nguyen oversees audits of the State’s expenditures and programs in the Middle East, in particular those that support the government’s overseas contingency operations: Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (Afghanistan) and Operation Inherent Resolve (Iraq). She manages OIG’s offices in Kabul, Afghanistan; Baghdad, Iraq; and Frankfurt, Germany. Prior to her joining the State OIG, Ms. Nguyen served as the Acting Assistant Inspector General for Audits at the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. There, she led teams conducting audits and inspections of projects and programs managed by the Department of Defense, Department of State, and U.S. Agency for International Development. Ms. Nguyen began her auditing career at the Office of Government Accountability, where she worked on audits of the Department of Defense’s supply chain management. Her audits took her to Germany, Kuwait, Qatar, as well as numerous DOD facilities in the U.S. Ms. Nguyen has also worked as the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, and the Special Inspector General for the Trouble Assets Relief Program. Ms. Nguyen is a former Peace Corps Volunteer, having served in Kyrgyzstan where she taught English. She received an international affairs bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University, and a master’s degree in public affairs from the University of Texas, Austin. 

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