NCIA 2019 Cannabis Business Summit


Anna Symonds

Anna Symonds
Athlete Ambassador
Athletes for CARE

Anna Symonds is a retired Women's Premier League rugby player with a 20 year rugby career that included a Division I National Championship, national All-Star selection, and a Sydney (Australia) Premiership Championship. She has also won four national championships in Touch Rugby, and competed for the USA at the 2015 Touch World Cup. Additionally, she has competed in amateur mixed martial arts (MMA). An advocate and educator, Anna speaks regularly about the therapeutic benefits of cannabis for elite athletes and the wider population alike. She holds an MA in Communication and served on the Oregon Cannabis Commission's Research Leadership Subcommittee from 2020-2021. Anna is an Ambassador for the nonprofits Athletes for CARE, the Last Prisoner Project, and the Concussion Legacy Foundation, and is a pledged brain donor to the VA-BU-CLF CTE Brain Bank.

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