Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2019


Representative Angelica Rubio

Representative Angelica Rubio

New Mexico District 35

Angelica Rubio was born and raised in southeastern New Mexico in the rural colonia of Lake Arthur. As the youngest of six children, Angelica grew up with a deep working knowledge of the power found in numbers, as well as a flair for making her case. After earning an undergraduate degree in Government from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, Angelica worked in Washington, DC, both on and off The Hill. Moving to East Los Angeles to pursue a graduate degree in Latin American Studies, as well as an education in community organizing. Angelica established herself as a fierce change agent, and in returning to New Mexico, has demonstrated the same urgency by organizing in southern New Mexico. In 2016, Angelica won a seat in the New Mexico State Legislature, where she now serves. After her reelection in 2018, Ms. Rubio prepared for the 2019 legislative session by organizing a bikepacking trip from Las Cruces to Santa Fe, spearheading outdoor legislation, with equity at the center. During the 300+ mile trip, Angelica stopped along the way to attend town-hall meetings with other legislators from both sides of the aisle, to discuss issues in addition to the outdoor economy. As the primary co-sponsor, New Mexico recently passed legislation to create the Division of Outdoor Recreation, with the first ever Outdoor Equity Fund in the country. In addition to her plethora of work in politics, activism and community organizing, Angelica possesses great strengths in the area of writing, blogging, and digital and online strategy. You can frequently find her on Twitter at @anrubio and @RubioNM35 discussing local and state politics, sharing her own personal writing, and/or discussing pop culture randomness.

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