Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2019


Kristi Jackson

Kristi Jackson
TFA Capital Partners

Kristi Jackson is the Chairman of TFA Capital Partners, an investment banking firm offering a broad platform of capital raising, strategic advisory, M&A advisory, restructuring advisory and operational consulting to the commercial and Tribal gaming and leisure industries. TFACP evolved from Tribal Financial Advisors, a firm Kristi co-founded in 2009 to exclusively serve the needs of Native American Tribes with their financing-related issues. Since its inception, TFA has been a part of over $4 billion of capital raised for Tribes nationwide and as importantly, has created over $500 million of value for its clients through these transactions. On a daily basis, she manages the operations of this seven-employee company as well as serving as the principal marketing and client relationship manager for the Tribal effort. The company has worked with over 40 Tribes on assignments since its founding – ranging from small advisory assignments providing feedback on a single issue to large capital raising engagements of well over $500 million in size.

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