Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2019


Kevin Mullally

Kevin Mullally
Vice President of Government Relations & General Counsel

Kevin P. Mullally is the Vice-President of Government Relations and General Counsel for Gaming Laboratories International, LLC (GLI). Mr. Mullally is GLI’s chief legal officer, and is responsible for all risk management policies for the company as well as supervision of all outside attorneys and consultants. In addition, he serves internationally as GLI’s primary liaison to elected and appointed officials. Prior to joining GLI, Mr. Mullally was the Executive Director of the Missouri Gaming Commission. Previously, he served as General Counsel and Chief of Staff to Missouri State Senator Harry Wiggins. As the author of the first self-exclusion program while serving as a regulator in Missouri, he has a long history of involvement in developing and studying responsible gaming policy. Mr. Mullally serves as a consultant for jurisdictions globally on matters relating to regulatory practice, regulatory reform and the creation of efficient and effective regulatory structures. He recently authored a 2nd Edition update to the chapter on Public Policy Implementation & Regulatory Practice for the University of Nevada-Las Vegas Law School’s textbook on Land-Based Casino Regulation.

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