Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2019


Nimish Purohit

Nimish Purohit
Senior Director of Product Risk

Nimish serves as the Senior Director of Product Risk for Aristocrat, and as a Board Member on the Gaming Standards Association. With a diverse background in the gaming industry that started in 2005, he has worked with global casino operators, manufacturers, gaming regulators, and sovereign governments. Nimish is widely recognized as an industry thought leader regarding gaming technology and best practices. His journey in Tribal Gaming started over a decade ago when he was the primary author of the NIGC Class II Technical Standards and evolved over the years as he collaborated with Tribal Gaming Leaders across the country. Nimish leverages his extensive gaming industry experience with his degree from Rutgers University. Nimish is blessed with a wonderful family and lives in a Las Vegas with his wife, three amazing children, and their rescue dog Maxx.

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