Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2019


Russell Witt

Russell Witt
Director of Central Determinate Gaming
Incredible Technologies

Russell serves as the Director of Central Determinate Gaming for Incredible Technologies. In this role, Russell is responsible for leading the strategic development, implementation and market development and growth initiatives for Incredible Technologies Class II Gaming System. His primary responsibilities also include identifying business opportunities for Incredible Technologies products in both existing and emerging tribal gaming markets. Russell Witt is one of the industry’s leading subject matter experts in Tribal Gaming technology and regulation. Russell is current serving his third consecutive term as one of the Associate Board members for the National Indian Gaming Association. In this role, he has contributed to the growth of the technical training curriculum for both the Commissioner and Master series training programs and helped to develop the NIGA Class II Immersion Workshop series. Russell also serves as a member of the NIGA Class II Subcommittee who at the direction of Chairman Ernie Stevens, worked with the NIGC to successfully revise CRF 25 547 The Minimum Standards for Class II Gaming Grandfathered Systems language. Russell served as the Principal Technical Consultant to the National Indian Gaming Commission on the drafting of the Class II Technical Standards. He is one of the industry leaders on Class II Technical Standards and Internal Controls and frequently provides trainings and participates in panel discussions on the subject at Tradeshows and Conferences throughout the country. Russell can be reached at

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