Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2019


Seth Pearman

Seth Pearman
Tribal Attorney
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe

Seth Pearman is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, and has been the Tribal Attorney for the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe since 2012. Seth has represented the Tribe on a variety of commercial financing transactions, including private equity transactions, syndicate financing, tax-exempt bonds, Tribal Economic Development bonds, agricultural borrowing, and other secured and unsecured credit facilities. All of these transactions were structured with a focus not solely on the economics of the transaction, but also on the practical needs of the Tribe. This approach to modern project finance also includes proper pledged asset segregation, and limited resource so that other tribal businesses and departments are unaffected in the event of a default. Seth was also the project manager for a majority of the construction projects financed, and remained incredibly involved after the closings. While not working on financing for the Tribe, Seth also focuses on economic development, health care, housing, gaming, litigation in tribal, state, and federal courts, and lobbies at both the state and federal levels for the Tribe. Seth recently argued a contractors excise tax lawsuit against the State of South Dakota in front of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe v. Sattgast, et al., Appeal No. 18-2750. Seth also the chairs of the Indian Law Section of the State Bar of South Dakota, and is the President of the South Dakota Indian Country Bar Association.

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