Cable-Tec Expo 2019


Tom Kennedy

Tom Kennedy
Sr Director Product Management, Cable Access
Cisco Systems

An Industry veteran of nearly 30 years, Tom brings with him a blend of go-to-market, product, sales, customer-side and vendor-side experience. Tom spent the first 10 years of his career on the service provider side of the industry (including Continental Cablevision and Road Runner /TWC) serving in various technical and product roles before moving over to the vendor community. As a technology product vendor, Tom has continued his product and sales efforts in the areas of DOCSIS, video/video on demand, CDN and most recently, cloud based software with several, notable companies. Tom is a four time start-up entrepreneur, having held leadership positions in each, with 3 successful exits leading up to his current role at Cisco where he manages the Cable Access business unit product portfolio with his team of product line managers and technical marketing engineers.

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