POWERGEN International 2019


Steve Szymanski

Steve Szymanski
Director of Business Development
Nel Hydrogen

Steve is Director of Business Development at Nel Hydrogen, with more than 29 years of technical and business development experience in the fields of specialty chemicals and hydrogen system solutions. In this role, he is responsible for developing strategic relationships and project opportunities for Government and emerging market applications for PEM and alkaline electrolysis. In addition to managing Nel’s Navy submarine business activity, he also has primary market responsibility for the hydrogen fueling and renewable energy storage sectors in North America. His previous experience includes several years as an engineer in the PEM technology group at United Technologies. In this position, he supported the development of PEM electrolyzer and fuel cell technology for space and defense applications. After moving into technical sales and sales management at Buckman Laboratories, Steve joined Nel to support the commercialization and market development efforts for its PEM electrolyzer technology. In addition to his primary responsibilities, Steve also serves on the Board of Directors and as Secretary of the California Hydrogen Business Council, as a Board Member and Secretary of the Ammonia Energy Association, and as Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Connecticut Hydrogen Fuel Cell Coalition. He has a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University and a Master of Science in Operations Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

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