POWERGEN International 2019


John Molloy

John Molloy
Professional Engineer and Principal Engineer
M&M Engineering

Mr. Molloy is a metallurgist, a registered professional engineer, and a principal Engineer at M&M Engineering. Mr Molloy provides project management and consultation for the technical work performed by M&M Engineering. In addition to failure analysis, Mr. Molloy has intimate knowledge of many of the world’s most widely utilized combustion turbine compressor and hot section components. Having worked at a service center for a major combustion turbine supplier company, Mr. Molloy has witnessed the normal and abnormal degradation of numerous types of hot section components. Mr. Molloy has been involved in multiple forced outages at power plant utilities and has been involved in major loss events related to turbomachinery failure. Mr. Molloy has been involved in rotor life extension efforts in the US, Mexico and Canada.

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