ASPE 2018


Adam Green, ESQ

Adam Green, ESQ


Adam Green is a shareholder with Baker Donelson and serves as the Chairman of the firm’s Water Technology and Water Treatment Group. Over the past 17 years, he has defended and advised clients on a wide range of matters relating to water borne pathogens, water handling systems and water treatment throughout the United States and in international venues. In 2017, he served as lead trial counsel in the successful defense of one of the first reported Legionella wrongful death actions targeting a chemical water treater resulting in complete dismissal in both the federal trial court and the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. That case involved issues of engineering design including inadequate flow incident to dead-legs. He has published numerous technical papers on the subject and is a regular speaker with the Association of Water Technologies, American Society of Plumbing Engineers and the Cooling Technology Institute where he serves on various technical committees.

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