POWER-GEN Asia 2018


Paul Gilmurray

Paul Gilmurray
Sales Leader
GE Power Services

Paul is currently Sales Leader for the ASEAN/ANZ sub-region, covering all PS technologies including legacy GE HDGTs, legacy Alstom HDGTs and Aero-derivative GTs. Paul has 28 years’ experience with GE Power & Water. He first spent 8 years as Technical Advisor in 15 countries on numerous GT configurations and applications. He spent the next 8 years as Maintenance Manager and Contract Performance Manager at the 700MW Tri Energy 209F.03 station, achieving industry-leading performance, reliability and availability. Paul spent the next 10 years in PS Engineering establishing and leading Regional Application Engineering & Requisition Engineering teams in India, China and Asia-Pacific. These teams led technical support for all HDGT uprate commitments from DLN systems and Advanced Gas Path upgrades to Flange to Flange and Repowering deals. Paul has a Bachelor of Science (Honors) degree in Mechanical Engineering from National University of Ireland in Galway and a Kellogg & Wharton MBA through Sasin Institute in Bangkok. He holds a US patent on control of vanadium in heavy fuels.

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