2019 Craft Brewers Conference


Neil Fisher

Neil Fisher
Co-Owner and Head Brewer
WeldWerks Brewing Co.

Neil Fisher is the co-owner, co-founder, and head brewer of WeldWerks Brewing Company in Greeley, Colorado. After homebrewing in his garage for over five years, Neil left his day job to open WeldWerks in 2015. In less than four years, WeldWerks has grown to an annual production of more than 6,000 bbls and garnered multiple awards and accolades, including USA TODAY's Best New Brewery in the Country, two World Beer Cup medals, and two Great American Beer Festival medals. In 2018, WeldWerks put their commitment to innovation to the test, embarking on a campaign to produce more than 100 new beers in a year. WeldWerks finished the year well beyond their goal, producing 136 brand new beers in 2018, 125 of which were packaged and over 100 that were distributed beyond the taproom.

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