2019 Craft Brewers Conference


Tony McCrimmon

Tony McCrimmon
OHST Certified Safety and Health Specialist
Brewery Safety Consulting

Russell "Tony" McCrimmon is an OHST Certified Safety and Health Specialist. He has worked in many industry and production roles, including as a technical specialist for process automation, production and safety equipment, as well as in installing, troubleshooting, repairing and user training for machine guarding and equipment before becoming a safety professional. As an OSHA trainer, Tony has managed lock out programs for many tasks and has gained experience to help identify various lock out hazards. He is a member of the Brewers Association Safety Subcommittee, a GABF and WBC Team member for 25 years, a BJCP Judge, homebrewer, and has visited 100's of breweries throughout the 50 states and Washington, D.C.

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