Cable-Tec Expo 2018


John Palumbo

John Palumbo

BigHeads Network

The most innovative leaders and organizations "go off the beaten path" and spend time with experts and thought-leaders from OUTSIDE (including UNEXPECTED) fields to learn about their strategies, processes, tools and technologies...and then CONNECT-THE-DOTS between the information they gather and their own business objectives and priorities. Unfortunately, the majority of executives and teams aren't taking the time to explore outside areas and perspectives to find novel solutions and learn crucial skills, because this type of industry "CROSS POLLINATION" is an unfamiliar and uncomfortable practice that companies haven't formally systematized or trained their employees to do. That is where BigHeads Network founder, John Palumbo, comes in. John has been bringing companies such as American Express, Domino’s, GE and P&G together with diverse thought-leaders (he calls them “BigHeads”) since 2006 so they can discover unique and unexpected insights, strategies, technologies and ideas that will dramatically influence their business. In addition, John’s opinions, work and approaches have been featured in a range of publications including Fast Company, The Huffington Post, Psychology Today, The Wall Street Journaland a host of other national, local and trade outlets. He also authored the book Brand Opening and speaks regularly at companies, universities and industry conferences about his unique “Cross Pollination” process, which involves finding a clever solution in one context or industry and translating it successfully to another.

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