SpaceCom 2018


David Hartshorn

David Hartshorn
Chief Executive Officer
Geeks Without Frontiers

David Hartshorn serves as CEO of Geeks Without Frontiers (Geeks), a global non-profit humanitarian organization, whose mission is to positively impact the lives of people by enabling access to connectivity-based services, including disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Mr. Hartshorn leads Geeks’ communications initiatives, which address two areas: Projects for disaster preparedness and resilience, refugee camps, village broadband, maritime operations, and other communities; and collaboration with governments on regulatory, policy and spectrum best practices. Prior to Mr. Hartshorn’s service with Geeks, he launched and led the international non-profit association of the $30 billion satellite communications industry, which includes more than 100 member companies from every major region of the world. Mr. Hartshorn’s primary responsibilities included enabling expanded access to communications solutions through financially sustainable business models, regulatory & policy advocacy, spectrum coordination, capacity building, training & education, technology validation, and engagement with private and public sector satellite stakeholders in all nations. Spanning the past 30 years, Mr. Hartshorn’s work has drawn upon professional skills previously acquired in leadership positions in business development, customer service, events management, publishing, and university graduate and post-graduate lecturing. Mr. Hartshorn has served most of his career in the communications industry in offices based in North and Southeast Asia, North America and Western Europe. He has lived in five countries in three world regions and has conducted business in most nations of the world.

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