SpaceCom 2018


Joshua Ehrlich

Joshua Ehrlich
Systems Engineer
Lockheed Martin Space - Advanced Programs

Josh is a Systems Engineer for Lockheed Martin Space working on robotic and human spaceflight design with their Advanced Programs group. Josh's previous job experience includes integration, test & verification on the European Service Module for the Orion program, the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle, and Veggie and Advanced Plant Habitat science payloads at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. His prior work in research includes areas in advanced applications for composite materials, dual-axis wind turbine blade fatigue testing, and semi-closed cycle gas turbine systems. He has a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Florida and an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a thesis defense focus on Lagrangian-point propellant depots for interplanetary missions to Mars. In 2017, Josh served as a crew member for Mission V of the 8-month Mars-simulated HI-SEAS mission and was selected as a Future Space Leaders fellow that same year. He is currently attending Colorado School of Mines, studying to earn his PhD in Space Resources, and designing systems to prospect for lunar ice and extend deep space human exploration.

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