IAAPA Attractions Expo 2018


David Walsh

David Walsh
President & Chief Advisor
Zoo Advisers, LLC.

David Walsh is an expert at inspiring mission-based organizations and companies to excel in rapid changing environments. He currently leads, as Principal & Chief Advisor, two planning & consulting firms - The Tenby Group and Zoo Advisors - which serve cultural, nature, and destination attractions. He has consulted with over 100 cultural attractions across the globe. He’s passionate about conservation, sustainability, and the natural world and how they can benefit all of us and the communities we live in. He works to strengthen leadership, connect mission and margin, maximize guest services opportunities, and explore new business possibilities. David’s expertise was built through a successful career in the nonprofit, corporate and entrepreneurial worlds. He is well-versed in business management, finance, leadership development, organizational dynamics and governance. He regularly provides counsel to boards and leaders and has spoken nationwide at industry conferences and symposia.

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