2017 NMSDC Conference and BOE


Ann Ramakumaran

Ann Ramakumaran
Founder and CEO of Ampcus Inc.
Ampcus Inc

Ann Ramakumaran, Founder and CEO of Ampcus Inc, is a technology savvy entrepreneur with more than 15 years of contribution towards the design, development and delivery of leading edge Technology Solutions across the globe. She has cultivated Ampcus into a fast growing Consulting and Professional Services firm and is recognized as a top Asian American owned business by the USPAACC. In addition she has been honored as one of the 50 Fastest Growing Women Owned Businesses by the Women Presidents Organization. Ampcus has made the Inc 500/5000 list and has been recognized as a Top Diversity Business for the past 6 years. She was recently awarded Women in Technology Entrepreneur of the Year by WIT. Ann serves on the CRMSDC Board of Directors, leadership committee of WPEO and the USPAACC Scholarship Committee. She holds her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Business and Commercial Management from India and has completed an Executive Management from the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond VA and Advanced Management from Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University. She has mentored several women and minority start up’s and helped them grow their business organically and strategically.

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